Monday, the 27th of February is a big day for TWF TV fans. On Tower of Power Action Hour at 11pm on Channel
18 in Sac and the surrounding area we start bringing you the action, drama, and excitement from the DEAD BY DAWN live show.
That night you'll see Chris Monk take on Joey Balls. Can Monk overcome the odds and beat the big man? Or will the 2005 TWF
Wrestler of the Year and former TWF Champion steamroll over Monk? Also Business 80 had plenty to say that night. Finally the
TV Title will be up for grabs in a 3 way dance featuring Ashton vs. Raz Ryno vs. Michael Nothing. I can't wait.
Look out for a special showing of TWF Tower of Power Action Hour on Saturday night Feb. 25th at 11pm or 12midnight on Channel
18 in the Sactown area. Access just informed me. So if you're home on Saturday night check us out.