WWE Monday Night Raw Results 6/16/08
Raw Begins with the fireworks and the world is watching.
JR and King introduce us live from Salt Lake City.
Out comes John Cena to begin the show (apple doo the beginning of his theme song says apple doo and it makes me think of apple
jacks). Cena receives a large ovation as the opening wrestler. John is fired up for his time to talk. He speaks about the
history of the wwe and the moments that have occurred in the past. Hulk Hogan slamming Andre the Giant, Shawn Michaels boyhood
dream coming true, and Stonecold opening up his first can of whoop-ass. He states that at night of champions there will be
another moment when one man stands tall in the center of the ring with his hand raised in victory and says THE CHAMP IS HEEEE….
Triple H’s music cuts him off before he finishes it. Behold the King…The king of kings. Triple H makes his way
down the ramp. JR says by golly the wwe champion is here. Triple H tells Cena He is right it will be a moment no one will
forget and he has been trying to tell himself it is not personal but is having trouble. Last week Cena cost him the match
with Jeff hardy and he is laying out a warning and he won’t be warned twice. If Cena gets in HHH face and in his business
it will get real personal real fast. Cena says wait a second you seem to have no trouble knocking me off the announcer table
last week. HHH “First of all john no one said that you should stand on the table and act like a prima donna. I did you
a favor because you are so uncoordinated you would have probably fallen off the damn thing anyway.” Cena, “ haha
laugh at the big dumb animal but the last time you were in the ring with me I made you tap.” HHH,” That was two
years ago John and a lot has changed.” Cena “ whoa whoa whoa nothing has changed two years ago everyone was talking
about HHH and John Cena and here we are today still the main attraction in this business.” HHH, “NO something
has changed and now I am the WWE Champion.” Cena, “ Even with that’ championship it still don’t mean
a damn thing because until you beat me you don’t’ amount to anything Look at ya you walk around on your high horse
calling yourself the measuring stick until you beat me you’re nothing.” HHH “ you know john it is going
to be a long tough night for you that night cuz I know how you hate to disappoint your fans…but on the plus side not
many of your fans will get to see that match because it will probably be on past their bedtimes anyway.” Just to make
things easier for ya maybe we could get you a foam belt to wear around to ease the pain for ya a little bit.” Cena pushes
HHH and takes off the shirt. HHH throws his shirt drops the belt and McMahon’s’ money money money theme hits.
McMahon states the two of them they will not fight tonight they will fight at night of champions. He talks about the million
dollars given away stating the password is…. watch raw and win. He tasks Cena if he will win his match tonight one on
one with the Samoan bulldozer Umaga and it is a street fight. This match starts now.
John Cena vs. Umaga () Street fight)
JR introduces the Samoan bulldozer the three hundred and fifty pounder. They talk about the draft and who will be left on
the raw roster.
Cena attacks right away but gets caught with an uppercut. Umaga counters the sunset flip to no avail. Cena takes Umaga up
for the slam but Umaga falls across his chest. Cena rolls to the apron. Umaga charges and launches Cena off the apron into
the guardrail as we go to a commercial.
I love the big show commercial for In Plain Sight. H e seems so real handing her that chair.
Back on raw the two are up the ramp in the3 street fight. Lots of rights and lefts and soup bones being thrown until Cena
charges and gets hit with a Samoan drop on the Steele. (Looked like it hurt something awful) Umaga drags Cena back up the
ramp by one arm. Umaga sits Cena against the ring post as he backs away..Oh no. Cena moves and Umaga goes back first into
the ring post. Cena grabs a mic and we are back in the ring. Mic off the face of Umaga Cena comes off the top with a cross
body and Umaga catches him with the spinning sambo slam. Umaga receives the first two count. Cena gets the boot up in the
corner but runs out into a massive clothesline from Umaga. Umaga has dominated the match thus far. Cena gets a reversal but
is easily met with another reversal from Umaga. Umaga grabs a Steele chair from ringside. Cena grabs the chair and a shot
to umaga’s ribs and hits the flashback and the leg drop to the back of the head off the top. Cena looking FU but falls
face first as his legs shake and buckle under the pressure. The damage was too much for Cena to hold Umaga long enough. Umaga
takes Cena into the Steele steps and they almost fly in to the crowd haha that’s a great parting gift for a fan. Umaga
rolls Cena into the ring and gets another two count. Jr speaks of Cena perseverance. Umaga chunks the Steele steps into the
ring. Umaga has the steps up high but Cena catches Umaga with the FU!!! Into the three count. I don’t’ remember
the last match that Umaga actually won. I hope he gets traded to smackdown where he can actually win sometimes. I also hope
that he learns a language soon.
McMahon is out and is picking the first winner. JR says blame it on the river referring to salt LAKE haha. The first guy is
Denzel or D oh my goodness says Dee gets the right password and says his favorite animal is a dog. Dee’s impression
of a dog is terrible it sounded like he was sneezing but he won 125,000 dollars wow. I was hoping my phone would ring.
Vince introduces summertime bikini blowout.
Bikini blowout
Maria out followed by Eve Torres and a commercial
A draft commercial is shown and I think JR is right about the announcers being included in the draft. That’s is just
plain silly
Back on Raw the ladies are in the ring with Charlie Haas. They show the recap of last Monday and I don’t understand
why Charlie Haas is not a fan of kissing divas. Haas is talking about something I didn’t know that he still worked for
them until last week. I guess Mcing the bikini contest is better than not being on raw. The first contestant is Melina…they
each get 15 seconds to dance. Melina does a pretty good job I guess. Maryse is up next to dance. Lena Yada is out and has
a white bikini and king wants to wear Lena’s bikini.. Layla is out and dances it up . Jillian is next and stops the
music to sing a song…. Haas cuts her off and moves to Eve and last is Maria. The winner is too many contestants to tell
who is getting the best until Maria who gets more airtime as a face so of course she wins. Jillian had the most heat. Eve
slapped Maria on the rear as she celebrated.
McMahon calls someone else. I wonder if Mr. McMahon is thinking of taking ed mcmahon’s job. Mike answers has the password
for 100,000. Vince asks whom the most handsome and well-known individual ever born in NC was? Mike answers Ric Flair. Vince
says No. I guess he is from North Carolina. Jr confirms my thought because he knows all.
Back on Raw Jericho is backstage talking to some lady. They show a recap of last Monday’s highlight reel. Jericho and
Shawn will have a fantastic match when it comes down to it. Jericho dominated Shawn with that Jeritron and the recap footage
was awesome. Jericho will speak tonight.
McMahon is choosing another winner with a very special individual…Hacksaw Jim Duggan in a tux and his 2X4 is in a tux.
USA chants started by Duggan. Hacksaw doesn’t know how to use a phone haha. HO!!!!!! No one answered McMahon Leaves
a message telling him he had a chance to win 50,000.Thhisy ritoe is Degeneration X. aweoom. Jesse answers and knows the password.
50,00 richer. Jesse is hardcore DX and imitates Duggan with the HO!!.
Jeff hardy makes his way to the ring. Coming off of a big win over HHH last week lets see how he holds up tonight.
Jeff Hardy vs. Carlito
The two lock up to start things off and a cheap shot from Carlito to receive the first upper hand. Carlito goes for the second
rope slingshot moonsault and lands on his feet after missing hardy. Hardy tosses Carlito over the top and slingshots crossbody
over the top to the floor. Hardy is caught on the apron on the way in and is hung on the top rope and Carlito hits a swinging
neck breaker. Good spot. Carlito with a drop kick and gets a two count. Carlito still in control and applies a chin lock.
The crowd is behind hardy as he tries to elbow out. Carlito pulls the hair to stop the reversal and hits several southpaw
punches to the head of hardy followed by a running reverse elbow. Now Carlito has hardy in a surfboard submission. Hardy feeling
the crowd and gets a boot to hardy with the reverse mule kick and goes for the big seated dropkick in the corner but Carlito
dodges. Hardy crashes and Carlito gets a two count. Hardy hits the seated Jawbreaker. But Carlito gets the upper hand with
a tree of woe he goes for a dropkick but hardy raises Carlito barely misses crotching the ring post and gives a hail Mary
for good measure to thank his lucky stars. Good improve for Carlito. Hardy up top hits the whisper in the wind for a two count.
Front face suplex from hardy and up top for the Swanton bomb. Carlito up and goes back stabber but gets caught with the twist
of fate and hits the Swanton bomb for the three count.
Excellent match from these two Carlito does so well to not ever win. He should start a tag team with Umaga.
McMahon money time. The call is placed Kyle answers the phone. Kyle gets the password. Kyle has to sing part of the national
anthem terribly I would have actually requested Jillian. 175000 dollars.
Y2J makes his way to the ring He has some splaining to do. Over the last week Jericho says he has noticed the way people are
looking at him differently and asking how could you do that to Shawn Michaels. Recap shown again of Y2J last week. Jericho
states it is Déjà Voo as the crowd boos an honest man. Jericho says it wasn’t his fault (my god this isn’t Jericho
it’s Snitsky!). Jericho says that the people don’t’ deserve to be saved because they connect with a backstabbing
hypocrite like Michaels. Jericho is here to save himself from every one of us. He goes on to bring down the crowd and states
he doesn’t need or want cheers anymore. Some big girl in a cowboy hat bo0os and thumb downs Jericho. It was pretty funny
she had on a cowboy hat haha. Jericho says Michael’s blood is in our hands. Jericho calls Shawn Michaels out right now.
The crowd chants HBK. Shawn isn’t coming out tonight because he is a coward, worm, liar, and a miserable excuse…..WOOOOOO
Natch is BACK styling and profiling. My god!! JR just wet himself!!
Flair and Jericho are in the ring nose to nose. Flair asks what Jericho has to say now. Flair tells Jericho to shut up. Flair
says he can’t wrestle anymore but challenges Jericho to a fight in the parking lot right now. Drops the elbow on the
coat and leaves the ring telling Jericho to come on (you can tell when Flair means business because he punishes his wardrobe).
Jericho follows flair out the back. We lost the duo with the cameras. Flair says outside you and me outside right now Jericho
follows and runs into the game outside the door. HHH says don’t you think you've caused enough problems ever since you
have come back to save us Chris I’ve been looking for a reason to make you my business. Jericho says now you got to
fight everyone’s battles for them. HHH says I’m not fighting anyone’s battles I just want to fight Chris
Flair and HHH are in the back. Flair is talking to McMahon as they shake hands. Vince tells flair that he cannot have him
in the building interrupting the show. HHH gives flair a hug as he is escorted out of the building. HHH asks Vince what his
problem is. Vince says he has none but HHH does he is going one on one tonight with Chris Jericho.
Holly and Rhodes are in the ring and out come Crime Time.
Holly and Rhodes vs. Crime Time
TD makes his way to the ring and distracts crime time as holly gets the rollup for the three count. Quickest match ever. I’m
sure the return of Michael PS I’m a racist Hayes had nothing to do with this booking.
McMoney time again Becky answers the phone in honor of Flair he is giving her 16 dollars poor girl. That’s what you
get for being from North Carolina.
Recap of Burchill and Kennedy match from last week.
Burchill and Katie are in the ring and out comes Mickie James the women’s champion. Kennedy! Kennedy is going to be
huge he Is more popular by the day and becomes a better wrestler minute by minute.
Mr. Kennedy and Mickie James vs. Paul Burchill and Katie Lee
Burchill and Kennedy start by locking up the rights come immediately. Burchill works Kennedy with clotheslines and uppercuts
but is caught with a back body drop. Kennedy has Burchill in the corner and the ref has to push him out. Burchill receives
the upper hand and puts Kennedy in a cross face chicken wing. Kennedy attempts to fight out but is leveled with a powerful
clothesline for a two count. Back into the submission cross face chicken wing. Both girls are cheering their man on. Kennedy
begins to fight out until he catches a knee to the temple. Irish whip into the corner and Kennedy gets two boots up and catches
Burchill with the big boot kick as Paul is leaned on the ropes. Katie tags herself in and Mickie comes in with a slap The
two girls roll around exchanging punches and Mickie finally gets the upper hand with a couple of clotheslines and forearms
and the Irish whip is reversed into the neck breaker and Mickie connects with a dropkick to the face for a two count. James
heads up top as Paul makes his way towards her. Kennedy comes flying across the ring and hits a spear through the ropes as
both men fly out of the ring. Very impressive move. Mickie comes off the top but Katie moves and hits a neck breaker into
a backbreaker for the three count.
McMoney time again. Elaina answers the phone and knows the password. She does not stop talking at all. McMahon asks of all
the superstars who is the most handsome man she answers with Mr. McMahon 174,984 for Alana.
McMoney once again we are calling someone up and it isn’t me because my phone is ringing. Jr is whispering the password
hahahaha. Peter answers. He knows the password and becomes 75000. JR and king are running down Night of Champions
Miz and Morrison against Finlay and Hornswaggle tag gold
Edge vs. Batista Heavyweight champion
Kane vs. Big Show ECW Title
HHH vs. John Cena WWE Title
King just informed that McMahon would give away 300,00000 tonight
Cena tells HHH good luck don’t get hurt.
Champion vs. Champion after the break
McMoney time again! Yowsa
McMahons giving money away again next week. Number dialed and Frank answers he knows the password 30,000
HHH vs. Y2J
The Game vs. The Living Legend
The Cerebral Assassin vs. The Ayatollah of Rock N Rollah
The King of Kings vs. The Sexy Beast
Hunter Hurst Helmsley vs. Chris Jericho
The WWE Champion vs. The Intercontinental Champion
Ladies and Gentlemen business is about to pick up.
The ref lays out the rules and rings the bell. Lock up into a side headlock and a big running shoulder block by the game.
Jericho is holding his head. Jericho sucks chants fill the arena. Jericho takes the upper hand in the corner with boots and
rights and lefts and the ref has to force Jericho out. The game comes back with rights inn the corner for Jericho. Jericho
face first into the turnbuckle and is Irish whipped into a back body drop. Jericho comes back with more rights and an Irish
whip to the ring post as we go to commercial.
Jericho comes back with a reverse elbow to stop the game as we come back. During the break Jericho hit an enziguri to receive
the upper hand. Jericho attacks the game outside using the Steele steps to his advantage. Jericho slaps the back of H’s
head telling him to come on. They head back into the ring as the match continues the Game regains the upper hand. Lance Cade
enters the ring to attack HHH (talk about a curveball). Jericho is disqualified for his interference as the two begin to pummel
the game. Cena runs out to try and make the save for the game. Cena tries to overcome but is out numbered two on one. As the
two continue the beating Cade hits the Cade bomb on Cena while Y2J delivers the code breaker to HHH. The evil duo stand tall
over the fallen heroes as Raw goes off the air. (I am guessing that next week John Cena and Triple H team to take on the new
duo of Jericho and Cade can Cena and H overcome their differences for one night to focus on the task at hand or will Cade
and Jericho be able to capitalize on the two giant egos not being able to coexist.)
See you next week for the Draft!!!
Its time to shake things up.
Signing off
A wrestling (reporter) god.
Branden Harvey
TNA House Show Results from Coventry, England 6/14/08
Report sent in by Chris Wilson
Before the show started, we had TNA President Dixie Carter standing from the ringside seats, meeting and greeting fans, also
holding the TNA World Heavyweight Championship belt! I was one of the lucky ones to have the photo with the title and I will
say one thing, IT'S HEAVY!! But Dixie Carter is a very friendly person, who will stop and talk to the fans. I mainly said
"Thanks for TNA!" because she's one of the reasons why TNA was there in Coventry!
Got into my seat (AT RINGSIDE PEOPLE!) and Jeremy Borash kicked off the show, getting the crowd on their feet. He was also
doing ring-announcing duties for the evening!
Match 1: "Cowboy" James Storm & Robert Roode vs. Motor City Machine Guns.
James Storm came out sporting a black eye (an injury sustained in Liverpool!) great match, lots of fantastic moves, Motor
City Machine Guns came out on top with their patented double team kicks! They're definitely a young and exciting tag team
with a huge future! Really got the crowd excited!
Match 2: TNA Womens World Championship: Awesome Kong © vs. Gail Kim
Awesome Kong was the winner, but we had a good match, Gail pulling out a load of high flying moves, managing to knock Kong
off her feet twice, but Kong won with the double arm face jam!
Match 3: Battle of the Giants: "The Monster" Abyss vs. "The War Machine" Rhino
This match was just awesome, only until today did I find out that Abyss was going to be in action in the UK. Great match,
Rhino was the overall crowd favourite, Abyss won with the Black Hole Slam. After Abyss left the ring, Rhino got up to an ovation!
Match 4: International 3-way match: "The Anarchist" Doug Williams vs. "Black Machismo" Jay Lethal vs. "The Phenomenal" AJ
In my opinion, definitely the BEST MATCH OF THE NIGHT! All three competitors displayed great in-ring chemistry and the crowd
was split as all three are fans favourites! Doug Williams definitely was given total respect by AJ and Jay. I mean, if this
was a WWE show, Doug would just be in a squash match for some bozo, but TNA gave him the opportunity to go toe-to-toe with
the best and Williams did more than hold his own! All three of them pulled off some amazing moves. The end was almost like
a chain reaction of events with Lethal hitting the Lethal Combination, followed by an elbow drop. The end result was seeing
Williams hitting the Chaos Theory on Lethal, but AJ went over, picked him up and hitting the Styles Clash for the 3. Following
the match, AJ picked both Lethal and Williams up and raised their arms to a rousing ovation from the fans, showing respect
to all three! Doug Williams will be a part of the International Team for the World X Cup, I hope TNA signs him onto their
roster, he's a British legend and Americans love him (as he's wrestled for promotions like Ring of Honor) and WWE would waste
his talents!
Intermission: Dixie Carter was still round the seated area for fans to take their photos and have a chat! She does a lot for
the fans and the fans repaid her by selling out all four venues!
JB was then back as the second part of the show began, he promoted the TNA video game (which I'm definately buying) and also
we were broadcasted live amongst 118 countries WORLDWIDE for TNA Today! He then introduced Dixie (to in which, she was branded
"The coolest boss in the world!" definitely!) and she thanked the UK fans for selling out the entire tour and also announced
that TNA are COMING BACK to the UK in January! This got a load of cheers from the fans! And if that weren't enough, they were
also considering holding a PPV here! (I pray it's Lockdown or Slammiversary, but that might be wishful thinking, hehe!) Anyway,
back to the match reports.
Match 5: TNA World Tag Team Championships: LAX © vs. "Maple Leaf Muscle" Petey Williams (TNA X-Division Champion) & "The Guru"
Sonjay Dutt:
Because of Petey's new haircut and style, he does look like a miniature version of Scott Steiner (to which the Coventry fans
chanted "Mrs. Steiner", "Steiner Rent Boy" and "Steiner Rip Off" towards Williams)
This match had everything, including a load of awesome double team moves and I'll definitely say this, Hernandez is very agile
and quick for a big man! "Eddie" chants were also there after Homicide hit the Three Amigos and was going to go for a frog
splash, but that was short lived thanks to Sonjay, who got big amounts of heat from the fans! Hernandez hitting the Border
Toss on Dutt ended matters and the LAX retained the TNA World Tag Team Championships!
Kurt Angle then made a guest appearance and the crowd went totally bonkers! He was talking before the "What?!" chants started.
"They won't go away?" he said before stating that he always wanted to say this, "Kiss My Ass Vince McMahon!" and re-iterated
that TNA is all about the fans, not the egos, not the individuals, but the fans like me and you! He then told us about the
story of TNA and how two people, Jeff and Jill (who was supporting Jeff) Jarrett, the fans then applauded and said "Thank
you Jeff/Jill" before Angle brought out Jeff, who got a great ovation from the fans. In a speech which was short, but very
emotional, Jeff thanked the fans and the guys and gals in the locker room for all their support. AJ Styles and Samoa Joe were
two people in particular that Jeff stated "was honoured to have in the TNA roster" and that if there was one person who he
wanted to bring to TNA, it was indeed, Kurt Angle!
Main Event: (60 Minute time limit) TNA World Heavyweight Championship: "The Samoan Submission Machine" Samoa Joe © vs. Booker
Booker came to the ring first and started to get cheers from the fans, until he told them to buy as much merchandise as they
can because of his "situation". He then decided to take a cheap shot at Jarrett because he thought that Jeff was crying as
he lost to Booker for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship. He then bitched about losing the King of the Mountain match
(because of Kevin Nash, but Booker provoked him!) and vowed to win the title tonight, in Coventry! He then got pissed off
as we all finished his catchphrase! Samoa Joe got a standing ovation as he made his way to the ring, this was a great match,
chants of "Joe's Gonna Kill You!" were done in unison throughout the arena. And not once, but twice, Joe hit the "Ole" kick
on Booker. During the match, I decided to create my own chant, which got people singing, this was based on "Winter Wonderland"
"There's only one Samoa Joe
Only one Samoa Joe.
Walking along,
Singing a song
Walking in a Joe Wonderland!" (Creative, eh?)
Match had a good 25 minutes worth of action and Joe won with the Coquina Clutch. Therefore retaining the title. I even managed
to get a high five from Joe as he left the arena!
JB then wrapped things up and said thanks for coming out and that TNA will be back in the UK in January!
All in all, I say it was a really awesome show to wrap up one awesome Saturday for yours truly. When TNA return to the UK,
I will be there again! TNA really turned on the style and the fans were cheering like hell in every single match and how can
I describe it? To use a quote from the fans, "THAT WAS AWESOME!" No matter which part of the world you're from, please go
to a TNA show, you WON'T be disappointed!
OVW TV Results 6/14! CM Punk to appear! Men of Iron Ambushed!
CM Punk video is aired to hype six flags.
Mobile Homers are shown grieving about Tubbys loss of the title to JD Michaels. Enter Twinkletoes. They yell and make bad
jokes and the show goes on.
Joey was with his two hired guns Lilas and Apoc who normally help Joey win and kick the crap out of Jman. Jman entered the
ring only to reveal a glove from his trunks which revealed that he has been the man paying the two hired guns the last couple
of weeks on TV. I thought it was pretty smart and most of the crowd understood, but some did not . Lilas and Apoc knocked
around Joey. JMan got his licks in too. I do not know if this means that Jman is a heel now, because it looked like Lilas
and Apoc were cheered after beating up Joey.
Bravado used his power game to defeat Switchblade with his Jackhammer.
Dirty continues his losing streak and starts the match cocky and arrogant. Dinsmore literally takes his legs out and makes
Dirty submit with his cloverleaf submission.
Good match with Cage getting the victory with holding onto the rope while loco sunset flipped Cage. I dont know why Loco is
These two always have entertaining matches, and once again JD uses his sick rude awakening called the "ratings spike" for
the three count. The crowd is slowly starting to hate Tubby Tommy and the Mobile Homers.
It looks like Turkan is the new powerhouse of the group. Los Rojos are two little guys in masks that just got thrown around.
Turcan won with a bodyslam, not the greatest move in the book.
Cardinal still has his loyal group and took most of the offense in this match. Cardinal used a DVD to put away Kelly.
The War Party have a native american gimmick, but one looks like a big white guy. The War Party started the match off on the
offense but it wasnt until about a minute in where Cardinal, Dirty Money/ and then the Insurgency came in. Buck and Conway
fought off as much as they could, but it took six guys to take out two men. I guess this is a way to heat up the tag team
scene even more. Conway and Buck were left laying and took a massive beatdown from the other teams.
WWE House Show Results from Sydney, Australia 6/15/08
Report sent in by David Skinner
Not long back from the show, quick results as follows.
Shane McMahon appears to tell us Undertaker will indeed be here tonight.
Matt Hardy defeated MVP to retain the United States Championship.
Kelly Kelly & Michelle McCool defeated Natalya Neidhart & Victoria.
CM Punk defeated Shelton Benjamin.
Funaki (SmackDown's #1 Announcer) comes out and invites a kid from the from
row "to be guest bell ringer for next match".
Mark Henry defeated Jamie Noble.
The Miz & John Morrisson defeated Finlay & Hornswoggle to retain the Tag Team Championship.
Kofi Kingston defeated Chuck Palumbo
Undertaker & Kane defeated Chavo Guerrero, Bam Neely & The Great Khali in a 3 on 2 handicap Match.
Vladamir Koslov defeated Shannon Moore.
Batista defeated Edge via DQ (World heavyweight Championship match) after
outside interference from Bam Neely & Chavo Guerrero. Undertaker made the
Great Pops for Undertaker & Kane, Hornswoggle, and CM Punk. Extreme lack of
interest in Mark Henry, Koslov, and Palumbo. They didn't even get boo'ed.
Lot more younger kids in the audience tonight. The last three Sydney house
shows have been RAW branded, which gets the older crowd. Not a bad show,
some very questionable matches as to just what purpose they served though,
and only four mic spots all night. (Shane McMahon/Funaki/Edge/Batista)
And one more thing.. Long live the REAL Animal, George Steele! Give Batista
another nickname, or make him start eating turnbuckle pads!